Whiteshield's Future of Country Navigator is a country wide Agent-Based Model. It's core is an economic simulation, with millions of agents representing each citizen and each firm of an economy. It is based on the input-output table and time series data.
During covid, we combined it with an epidemiological model. In the combined model, the agents in the economic simulation could become ill or change their consumption and work patterns as a response to covid or policies.
The model can simulate the effect of policies. For example during the pandemic, we simulated lockdown policies. The model would showed the trade-off between the public health benefits and the economic losses these policies. It also showed that epidemiological intervention can have long-term economic advantages.
Today this model - without the covid module - is used for economic policy making, such as investment, scenario planning and with another additional module trade policy. It has been developed for 17 countries around the world.
Consulting at the world’s biggest petrochemical market information provider, with a team of domain specialists I built an agent-based model of the pet-chem market. I trained the team in Agent-Based Modelling. Developed and calibrated the model. The model is able to predict market prices and quantities as well as plant and market costs for pet-chem products.
Studies of the economic impact and mitigation of climate change usually use computable general equilibrium models (CGE). Equilibrium models, as the name suggests, model the economy as in equilibrium, the transitions to the equilibrium are ignored. In the time spent outside equilibrium, the economy produces different quantities of goods and pollution as predicted by the equilibrium model. If the economy in this time outside of the equilibrium produces more climate gasses the predictions are dangerously wrong.
We present in this paper a computational generalization of the Arrow-Debreu general equilibrium model, which is not in equilibrium during the transitions, but converges to the same equilibrium as a CGE model with the same data and assumption. We call this new class of models Computational Complete Economy models.
Computational Complete Economy models have other interesting applications for example in international trade, tax policy and macroeconomics.
ABCE is a python-based modelling platform for economics. ABCE allows to express economic models in a concise manner. It automatises data collection and visualisation and makes it easy to create a web-app out of an agent-based model.